Universal Design for Playspaces

(taken from NDA CEUD Report, 2018)
Lynch and Moore.
Universal Design is defined as the design and composition of an Environment so that it may be accessed, understood and used:
- To the greatest possible extent,
- In the most independent and natural manner possible,
- In the widest possible range of situations, and
- Without the need for adaptation, modification, assistive devices or specialised
solutions, by any persons of any age or size or having any particular physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual ability or disability, and means, in relation to electronic systems, any electronics-based process of creating products, services or systems so that they may be used by any person (Disability Act, 2005).
The concept of Universal Design [UD] was developed by Ron Mace in 1997, in North Caroline State University. With colleagues, he identified 7 core principles of UD, that apply to maximising our ability to design for inclusion. UD goes beyond accessibility which typically focuses on minimum standards for access, e.g. having level access at doorways so people with restricted mobility can enter a building equal to others. Instead, it also includes usability, the extent to which people can use facilities effectively with efficiency, and satisfaction. UD is recommended in the General Comment no 17, on the right to play, as the design approach that should be adopted when designing inclusive playspaces.
Adapting the 7 principles of Universal Design for playspaces
The 7 principles of UD are outlined in below. However, in our work, we propose that they are also tailored for consideration when applied to play and playspaces, as there is a need to remember what the goal is: to enhance inclusive play.
The proposed adaptation to the 7 principles of Universal Design follows from a review of evidence and guidelines for Universal Design as it applies to parks and playgrounds, conducted in 2017. An outcome of this review was an analysis of the 7 principles of Universal Design as they can apply to playspaces, with a concurrent focus on a play value perspective. The term ‘play value’ is used to describe the value that an environment, object or piece of equipment brings to children’s experience of play (Woolley and Lowe, 2013). Something may be described as having high play value if children are able to play with it in many different ways, integrate it into their own play or use it to expand or elaborate on their own ideas and actions (Playright, 2016, p. 12).
The 7 principles of Universal Design are tailored in relation to playspaces; play value principles are equally outlined that need to be considered in tandem. These play value principles were derived from a detailed analysis and synthesis of content, and group consensus among the research team.
Tailoring the 7 principles of Universal Design for playspaces
Principle 1: Equitable use
It is neither possible nor desirable to make every piece of a playspace 100% accessible and usable when we consider people’s different ages and abilities. However, this does not mean that separate design solutions should be provided (especially for persons with disabilities) as this results in segregation and exclusion. Playspaces need to be designed so that all users can access, use, and be included in a non-stigmatising way.
Play value principle: There is a need to design for challenge and complexity that caters for people of different ages and abilities, resulting in equality of experience.
Principle 2: Flexibility in use
Community playspaces are accessed and used by diverse user groups (people of different ages, abilities, sizes, gender, socioeconomic background, race, ethnicity, culture). As such, playspaces need to be flexible in order to cater for diverse user groups. Playspaces need to be designed so that all users can access and use the space according to their individual preferences and abilities.
Play value principle: There is a need to design for variety in order to cater for people’s individual play preferences and play styles.
Principle 3: Simple and intuitive use
While there is a requirement to provide obvious pathways and directional cues to avoid unnecessary hazards in the play space, playspaces should not be too easy to use as this would result in dull and boring playspaces. However, playspaces that are too complex result in children requiring personal assistance by a caregiver which may result in their play being hijacked by adults. Playspaces need to be designed to provide graduated challenge, while facilitating independent use.
Play value principle: Challenge is an integral part of children’s play. As such, there is a need to design stimulating playspaces that offer opportunities for adventure and excitement.
Principle 4: Perceptible information
While playspaces should be a place for discovery and imagination, playspaces need to communicate necessary information so that users can access and use the playspace without assistance. Playspaces need to communicate necessary information to diverse user groups.
Play value principle: Discovery and imagination is an essential part of children’s play. As such there is a need to design playspaces that encourage user’s natural curiosity.
Principle 5: Tolerance for error
Playspaces are required to be compliant with specific safety standards. This does not mean that risk needs to be eliminated from a playspace as this will result in the playspace either not being used or being used inappropriately by people seeking to engage in challenging and risky play. Playspaces need to be designed to provide for risk and challenge, but should not expose users to overly dangerous hazards that result in adverse consequences.
Play value principle: Risk is an integral part of children’s play. As such, there is a need to design risk-rich playspaces that afford users the opportunity to participate in challenging and risky behaviour without being exposed to overly dangerous activities or risks.
Principle 6: Low physical effort
Poor design can result in users expending unnecessary effort accessing and using playspaces with little energy left for playing. Playspaces need to be designed so that they can be used efficiently and comfortably while minimising unnecessary fatigue.
Play value principle: Physical effort is integral for children’s active play. There is a need to design playspaces to provide for active play, while minimising unnecessary fatigue.
Principle 7: Size and space for approach and use
Community playspaces are accessed and used by people of different ages, abilities, sizes. Playspaces need to be designed to offer appropriate space for approach, reach, manipulation and use regardless of the user’s body size, posture or mobility.
Play value principle: People of different ages, abilities and sizes participate in play. Thus there is a need to design playspaces that offer appropriate size and space to accommodate everyone and facilitate participation in the play space.