Resources Poster

Conference poster: Examining policy processes to facilitate play
Resources Poster pdf • 1.24 KB

Conference poster: Examining policy processes to facilitate play

P4PLAY: RESEARCHING PEOPLE, PLACE, POLICY and PRACTICE for PLAY from the LENS of OCCUPATIONAL SCIENCE. Examining policy processes to facilitate play. Play 2021 - A conference on children, play and space, Birmingham, UK.

Conference poster – Oh The Places You’ll Go: Adventures Outdoors and in Digital Playgrounds
Resources Poster pdf • 1.23 KB

Conference poster – Oh The Places You’ll Go: Adventures Outdoors and in Digital Playgrounds

P4PLAY: RESEARCHING PEOPLE, PLACE , POLICY and PRACTICE for PLAY from the LENS of OCCUPATIONAL SCIENCE Oh The Places You'll Go: Adventures Outdoors and in Digital Playgrounds. Play 2021 - A conference on children, play and space, Birmingham, UK.

Conference poster – Innovative evidence informed solutions in school and community contexts
Resources Poster pdf • 1.23 KB

Conference poster – Innovative evidence informed solutions in school and community contexts

P4PLAY: RESEARCHING PEOPLE, PLACE, POLICY and PRACTICE for PLAY from the LENS of OCCUPATIONAL SCIENCE: Innovative evidence informed solutions in school and community contexts. Play 2021 - A conference on children, play and space, Birmingham, UK.