
Zenodo: The place to find every research output from P4Play!

Zenodo: The place to find every research output from P4Play!

Did you know that you can find all of the research outputs from P4Play in one place? All publications (links to articles, conference papers, book chapters, posters, videos etc) arising from P4Play research will be (…)

P4Play Training School 3: Playing At the Top of Europe

P4Play Training School 3: Playing At the Top of Europe

P4Play Training School 3: Playing At the Top of Europe Within touching distance of the Artic Circle the Norrbotten County in Sweden was the playground for the play researchers and academics that comprise the P4Play (…)

Michelle’s research on Irish playgrounds is hitting the headlines

Michelle’s research on Irish playgrounds is hitting the headlines

Michelle Bergin, one of P4Play’s Early Stage Researchers, published a paper recently in the Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention, calling for greater consideration of the transformative potential of play to contribute to (…)

P4Play Make an Impression at the Inaugural World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, August 2022

P4Play Make an Impression at the Inaugural World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, August 2022

There is an old phrase, I think it appears in Irish and British cultures, that attempts to explain humans’ predisposition for impatience: “You wait ages for a bus, then two of them come along at (…)

Insight into the City

Insight into the City

Read all the articles you want, but if you want to understand the social discourse of a city, just take a cab.   I just found my seat on the train in Kent Station in (…)

Creating a Play-Friendly Community with Children in Whitecraig: An opportunity to research play!

Creating a Play-Friendly Community with Children in Whitecraig: An opportunity to research play!

Silvia Veiga-Seijo is an occupational therapist from A Coruña, Spain. A PhD student in Occupational Science at Queen Margaret University and University College Cork, within the P4PLAY Programme. Her research project is focused on “Creating (…)