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P4Play Newsletter Issue 2 October 2022

P4Play Newsletter Issue 2 October 2022

P4Play Newsletter ISSUE 2 Oct 2022 We are very excited to launch the second issue of the P4Play project newsletter! Since the first newsletter was published in January of this year, we have seen Europe’s (…)

P4Play Make an Impression at the Inaugural World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, August 2022

P4Play Make an Impression at the Inaugural World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, August 2022

There is an old phrase, I think it appears in Irish and British cultures, that attempts to explain humans’ predisposition for impatience: “You wait ages for a bus, then two of them come along at (…)

Oito persoas facemos un doutorado europeo sobre a perda de xogo infantil

Oito persoas facemos un doutorado europeo sobre a perda de xogo infantil

Declárase sorprendida cos roles de xénero dos máis pequenos no tempo de ocio Silvia Veiga Seijo (Bergondo, 1994) fala dende Edimburgo, onde está facendo un doutorado europeo para terapeutas ocupacionais, financiado pola UE e dedicado (…)

Insight into the City

Insight into the City

Read all the articles you want, but if you want to understand the social discourse of a city, just take a cab.   I just found my seat on the train in Kent Station in (…)

Just for the sake of it! Playing in digital world: Toxic? Or a space for creativity and imagination?

Just for the sake of it! Playing in digital world: Toxic? Or a space for creativity and imagination?

  Technology, whether we like it or not, is becoming a huge component of our everyday lives.  We use our phones to ‘check-in’ to locations for COVID-19 tracking, to contact friends and family and use (…)

Creating a Play-Friendly Community with Children in Whitecraig: An opportunity to research play!

Creating a Play-Friendly Community with Children in Whitecraig: An opportunity to research play!

Silvia Veiga-Seijo is an occupational therapist from A Coruña, Spain. A PhD student in Occupational Science at Queen Margaret University and University College Cork, within the P4PLAY Programme. Her research project is focused on “Creating (…)